Big news: Meet the new Honestly

Daniel Hannig
Written by
Daniel Hannig

We’re really excited to share with you what we’ve been working on for the past few weeks.

Since the beginning of Honestly, we have invested all of our time and energy into creating meaningful relationships between companies and their employees and customers. Honestly’s purpose and mission is best described as an appeal to all the businesses out there:

Put people first.

By putting people first and emphasizing the relationship a business has with its employees and customers, companies can create real and meaningful value (trust us, we crunched the numbers).

Everyone here at Honestly is deeply passionate about helping companies embrace the human side of business. With Honestly, we want to create enjoyable, friendly and productive workplaces that encourage openness and candor. We want to create a world where businesses talk to their employees and customers at eye level.

This is why we felt it was time to update our visual identity to better reflect what Honestly is:

The new logo represents two tightly interwoven speech bubbles – the most powerful symbol for communication. While the new logo still shows two speech bubbles, they now have a more organic, soft and elegant shape – radiating warmth and honesty. Ultimately, we believe the new logo better conveys who we are and what we stand for: honest and candid communication between human beings.

Up next

Stay tuned for updates and lots of new features to come.

Your Honestly Team